Full Moon in Virgo March 16th, 2014 – Liberation of the Divine Feminine & Your Unique Self

virgo full moonThis is an enlightening post from Emily, of Virgo Magic, sharing on Sunday, March 16’s Full Moon in Virgo. (Thank you Laura for bringing it to my attention). It highlights the importance of healing, embodying, and expressing the Divine Feminine, within each of us, with a new perspective that can assist you in claiming your sovereignty and sharing your authenticity.

I love how she also brings to light the shadow side of Virgo and how it can play out in self-sabotaging ways (also echoed by Cathy Lynn Pagano, as you’ll see below) by blocking our power and inner Goddess from coming forth and taking on the guiding lead in our lives.

This speaks to what I keep sharing, about taking a look at how and why you are holding yourself back from living your life out loud and being your shiniest. Then taking the steps to integrate your insights so that you can then fully put into action your findings.

You can read Emily’s full post at this link:

Liberation of the Goddess – Approaching Sunday’s Full Moon in Virgo

In general, we’re definitely at another heralding point of needing to make a decision that can change the entire course of our lives and then putting into action the steps in support of it to create that empowered balance. This may entail embodying, and therefore speaking, your truth and personal power, both to external and internal authority figures, and in general, in terms of repatterning what was once considered/conditioned to be the authority in your life.

I also love Cathy Lynn Pagano’s take on the energy of this Full Moon in her article, “The Cosmic Story: Virgo Full Moon 2014”.

She also shares about “reclaiming our feminine virginal energy”, but again in the sense of this meaning to seek self-knowledge and know yourself for who you really are in your purest authenticity – both light and shadows. This takes the willingness to face fears and vulnerabilities to acknowledge and celebrate yourself at the heart of hearts.

This is a great insight from Cathy on how there are more productive ways to utilize the energies of each astrological sign (and anything in general), in this case Virgo, especially when we understand how the energies work:

“Virgo’s shadow can distort our need to know ourselves into the need to control things to attain the ideal of perfection–someone else’s idea of perfection! Virgo’s real purpose is to help us know and accept who we really are. Virgo’s analytical mind measures and aligns; Virgo’s magic understands how everything fits together to make it work. Virgo’s greatest gift is discernment, knowing this from that. This helps us master a talent, and understand how it can be of service to others.”

Are you seeing your true self when the Full Moon illuminates things? Or are you still looking through a veil? If you hold the intention of being ready and willing to “see” the truth, you will likely receive revealing answers, through some time well spent with yourself on this Full Moon, that will assist you in accessing and reactivating parts of your soul, in alignment with your personal expression in the collective.

As Cathy also shares:

“The Pisces Sun shines out on the Virgo Moon to illuminate how well we’ve integrated our spirituality with our physicality, our soul with our personality. Uniting a deep spiritual outlook with a sense of humble service, this Full Moon calls us to be of service to our world now.

All societies need certain rituals that hold and focus the energies of the people so we can act as a community. It is the feminine spirit that holds the hopes and wishes of any society. And it is the Divine Feminine who is calling to us now to remember we are all one–that we depend upon each other. It reminds us to be courteous, thoughtful and compassionate as we head into the tumultuous times coming our way this April.”

I’d like to leave you with these excerpts, also from Cathy’s article, as I really love how beautifully she articulates this energy and clearly points out the heart of the matter – you belong to you…so what do you want to do with that? As I shared in my previous post today, “…we are artists of life and to the degree you exercise your imagination, infused with heart, is to the degree your freedom is contracted or expanded, and limitations are created or removed.”

Here’s Cathy:

“We’re still swimming in the dreamy waters of Pisces, so flip over onto your back and let the moonlight bathe and sooth you, body and soul. That’s when Spirit’s voice comes clear. Perhaps you’ve been lost in the dark watery depths amidst strangely glowing nightmare creatures or swimming fast and free with a pod of dolphins or breaching with a family of whales. Perhaps you’ve gotten stuck in stagnate seas of weeds and grass or finally been tumbled to distant shores. If you’ve flowed with Pisces’ watery energies, you might feel like your life is dissolving into a new unity of spirit; if you’ve struggled against the tides you might find yourself lost at sea. But wherever you find yourself on Full Moon night, take this magical moonlight into your heart. Listen to and look at what’s there.

The Virgo Full Moon tells us, “You belong to yourself. As much as you are part of a whole, you are also a unique drop in the ocean of consciousness. What do you want to do with your drop? What does your drop want to do with you?”

We are all here on Earth for the specific reason that’s encoded within our soul, just as our physical body is encoded by our DNA. Each of us has a destiny–each destiny is unique and yet part of the whole. Are you rebirthing the archetype of the Mother, because our society needs nurturing, love and comfort; are you transforming the archetypal image of Father into the wise guide, the caring protector and the truthful judge? Our world certainly needs more of these people. Do you find yourself incarnating the archetypal energy of the Warrior, the Healer, the Artist, the Bard, the Leader, the Priestess or Priest? How about the conscious Merchant, the courageous Scout? Uranus in Aries opens us to these archetypal identities just as we are challenged to re-create the society that Pluto in Capricorn is tearing down. If we are truly one universe, then our instructions are clear–be your unique Self. Who do you want to be?”

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on March 13, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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