Contractions and Expansions – Spiraling Fractures Shedding Their Way to the Pearl Within

spiral-shellSo yesterday I shared some thoughts and experiences surrounding the energy of my birthday and one of the things that I mentioned had to do with growth cycles as contractions and expansions within a spiraling experience.

One thing I didn’t mention from my beach adventure, was that I was also gifted a special “spiral” shell that may appear ordinary, but to me was significant and extraordinary. It’s symbolism immediately stood out, the moment my eye caught it in the water my feet were immersed in alongside of it.

I also instantly recognized the lovely synchronicity connecting it to the card my parents had sent me for my birthday, which I mentioned the message that was inscribed within, also in yesterday’s share.

You can see both my shell gift and card above.

Perhaps you have already noted, if you see things like I do, that this shell not only has the same exact shape as the ivory one on the card (just spiraling the opposite way), but that part of the outer brown “shell” encasing had been “shed”, revealing a gorgeous, rainbow-infused, mother of pearl, sparkly inner layer.

And perhaps this already speaks for itself, but in case not, I saw it immediately as the evolutionary growth process of shedding of old structures, illusions, veils, and layers – peeling the onion so to speak – to reveal the vulnerable and valuable “pearl” core essence that is at the “heart” of things.

I love that the shell is “in process”, as it perfectly mirrors my own journey and each of our journeys, constantly and eternally shifting and recreating itself through the wisdom of experience, integration, and learning.

Powerful stuff! And it was another beautiful part of yesterday’s meaningful impact.

But what it also speaks to is something else that had recently happened, and the meaning for me that it has personally. This part of the story may sound a bit odd – you’ll understand as I share it – but as I mentioned yesterday, I simply can’t NOT express my truth and what feels to be wanting to channel through.

First off, let me recap part of yesterday’s post about the above mentioned cycles. I shared:

…These choices and growth cycles come with times of contraction, in order to create huge spurts of expansion. Within the contracting may be pains, facing fears, and feeling the challenges to their depths, but then that naturally comes with the counterparts to all of these, as we partner in the dance of life and make leaps forward, sideways, and ALL ways. And this natural pulsing of going within, then emanates more largely with each cycle, as it begins to remember and experience the fullness of All That Is while still enjoying every unique expression within that Source field…

…I’ve come to be okay with making so-called “mistakes”, stumbling, looking awkward as I grow, or saying something that makes no sense in my spiral efforts to keep moving energy in order to flow into the next phase of my growth expansion and experience.

And while I do this, I also do my best to support others to do the same and remind myself that they are merely spiraling along their own contractions and expansions to embrace more of their own pulsing hearts…

And just a reminder on spiral symbolism:

Symbol of creation, movement, fluidity, surrender/releasing, holistic growth, and awareness of the one within the context of the whole. It reveals the cyclical nature of life, the consciousness of nature from core center expanding outward, and the relationship between unity and multiplicity. It is the limitless spirals that move both “inward towards the Source of creation and eternally outward with Source’s continual self-creation.” In this way, the spiral reflects the contiguous journey home to who you really are and the journey to be one with Source.

And so that brings me to the recent “happenstance”, although I see it as another Divine reflection of evolution on my journey home to who I really am, which took place the day before my birthday, this past Tuesday, February 24th.

I had just returned home the night before and the next day was out doing errands. I mentioned in yesterday’s birthday post how my car was graced by a bunch of little moths that were fluttering about inside and on me. Moth symbolism is about transformation, ease of movement in darkness/shadow, psychic awareness and deeper inner knowing, otherworldliness, dreams, vulnerability, determination, intuition, and faith, to name a few things.

Moths move in blind faith, trusting and relying on their intuition solely, as they are nocturnal. This speaks to living YOUR life by intuition and with faith in yourself and your abilities, but with wise discernment and conscious observance. If you aren’t listening to your intuition, then Moth will remind you to do so.

Avia Venefica shares this:

Even in navigation, when we observe the moth to fly into artificial light or flames, the moth demonstrates its faith and determination.

It is still unproven as to why the moth is driven to light – but the best hypothesis is that the moth navigates by lunar light. In the absence of moonlight, the moth moves to the next best thing: man-made light.

Even at the risk of losing its life, the moth is ever-vigilant in following its path of light. This may also serve as a moral to us to keep our own vigilance, but not fall victim of blind faith.

Here we see a fragile vulnerability in the moth. The moon is her mother, and she will follow her course at all cost. This makes her open to distraction, vulnerable to harm. Here we may find another message to adjust our course as our path indicates, rather than drive forward without heeding important signs along the way.

As a creature of the night, and by her navigational devices, we see the moth is highly influenced by the power of the moon.

This all is very meaningful to me and speaks to the messages I’ve been channeling as important to be embracing and consistently practicing – trusting in myself is “key” and something I can’t afford NOT to do anymore.

The interesting part that stood out most, was the part about “adjusting your course as your path indicates, rather than drive forward”, is exactly what I got from part of the message of my experience. I actually used the same words when describing it to my mom yesterday.

So what took place on my way home from grocery shopping, with moths in my car, was any ordinary kind of thing. Stuff that I had sitting on the passenger seat fell onto the floor and while I was stopped at a red light, I decided to retrieve them.

I did unbuckle my seat belt and leaned to the right at a forward angle to reach the things, retrieving some of them. Determined to get all of it and quickly before the red light turned green, I then thrusted and “drove myself forward” hard and with extended effort, achieving my intent (cause), but not without result (effect).

I heard a small crack, but wasn’t sure what it could be. I just knew my right side hurt a bit, but wasn’t anything horrible and didn’t seem unusual given I had thrust into the side arm of my chair when reaching deeply forward.

Things I could have done differently? Not worry about picking them up until I got home, which was in another 3 minutes or so. Lifting the arm of my chair to make it easier. 🙂

I didn’t think much of it, but noticed a tiny bit of ache on my right that evening, intermittently. The next day was the same – on my birthday. I didn’t notice much of anything, until the evening and then realized that my side was starting to ache a lot more than I thought when I did anything utilizing/straining that area like bending/lifting, sitting/laying a certain way, sneezing, coughing, and laughing even.

Then I started to realize, “I think I’ve cracked my rib/s”.

And today I felt confirmed that this was an actuality, as I had all the symptoms (the sensitivities to things when that part of my right side rib cage is activated) that were exactly like what I experienced when I fractured my tailbone back in 2001 or so. You don’t realize how much every little bone in your body is integral to your day, until it doesn’t function “normally”.

It’s not a big deal, in terms of “bone fracturing”, as it just simply needs its time to heal naturally, but I found it relevant and interesting that it happened the day before my birthday/new cycle (this is a big year for me energetically) and nearly perfectly mirrored the timing of 2 years ago in 2012 when I fractured my left foot twice within two months! The first of those two fractures (a  perfect spiral fracture to my left metatarsal) happened one week, to the day, of my birthday that year and when it healed, I then fractured my left pinky toe.

This makes 5 fractures in my lifetimes (5 is my favorite and magickal number, so let’s see if this is the charm rather than 3 lol!), but I have to say that like with my “aging” process I shared about yesterday, I simply don’t find any problem or negativity from this experience. Rather, and this is part of what may sound odd/weird, I find it to be an amusing and perfect gift.

Now that’s not to say I think that everyone should go around breaking bones. lol! However, for me, it is simply part of my “contracting” and “expansion” that I am experiencing, along with that shedding of old structures – which the bones and skeletal system of our bodies represent – in order to shatter what is no longer necessary so that the new can fully emerge within the regenerative process of integration in a new way and form.

I also know that the sign of Capricorn rules the bones and is connected to the Male or that “Father”principle, if you may. So shattering this would be moving through the processing of “old and traditional, out-moded, and over-used Male energy, and working at integrating the Divine Male into harmonious dance within.

And being that I had just recently gotten a sacred and potent tattoo on my right arm, to help empower and integrate this “new” Male energy (as your right side of the body is connected to your left/male oriented side of the brain), it wasn’t surprising that some shifts would be taking place both literally/physically and symbolically/energetically.

I also see bones in what may seem to be an interesting way, which is something new I’ve explored in the last couple of years since my last fractures. I have mixed feelings on needing to get my bones stronger, so they don’t crack so easily, as while on one hand I believe in supporting our bodies to be strong (which I am mindful of in the food and nutrient, exercise that works for me, and lifestyle choices I make daily), I also am seeing these “rigid” structures – represented by bones – in a productive light of breaking down to expand, transmute, and regenerate into something new and more representative of the freeness we are manifesting into.

They need to be strong, but flexible, and not so rigid and “dense” and that may be about the restructuring of DNA and molecular patterning that we are experiencing and will continue to, as we are shifting into new and luminous human beings.

It immediately reminds me of how we look and form like a fish when in the womb, but then go on to have more dense bones and skeletal systems than fish, reptiles, and sharks, which are more flexible. Sharks, and some fish, in fact have skeletons made of cartilage and are known as cartilaginous.

Now I know we aren’t living in the ocean – although that sounds like a fun plan to this Pisces fish 😉 – however there’s an interesting evolutionary process here that indicates differences between flexibility and rigidity of the different species. And we aren’t even talking about beings “not of this world”.

I’m no scientist, doctor, or evolutionary expert, however I do know that change is happening and this includes our body structures that will reflect the shifts we are making on levels of consciousness and that are taking place with transmutational evolution, as we are expanding that consciousness.

Fun stuff! And needless to say, I have a cracked rib or two, but fully am delving into the messaging and symbolism of this experience, feeling the potency of the shifts I have been making, while heeding that reminding advice to “adjust my path based on the intuitive and discerning messaging I’ve been receiving, rather than drive forward quickly” – even if I can see the target clearly and know I can achieve it, as it simply may not be the result that I ultimately want and may not be for the highest and most harmonious good of all concerned.

I LOVE how everything we need to know is right here (inside of us and reflected all around us), if we truly believe and open our eyes, listen, embrace it, and put it to active practice.

This rib fracture is merely a contraction to expansion and part of the spiraling cycle of natural growing pains that do not need to be fueled with negativity, sympathy, sorrow, dwelling, anger, frustration, or anything else of that nature. It simply needs to be surrendered into, as the seasonal change that has its own wisdom and divine unfolding.

An accident? No. Could it have been avoided? Sure. However, if the totality of learning that was received in this experience wasn’t integrated, then it was inevitable something else would take place at some unknown time.

I’m grateful to have it be as such, and I embrace the vulnerability that is being revealed, like that mother of pearl like core essence of the shell I found, as I shatter, shift, and shed each old layer and “make leaps forward, sideways, and  ALL ways.”

A reminding bone, rather than a thorn, in my side, helping to reveal the pearl of wisdom and wholeness within.

I told you this may sound a bit odd, but then I never claimed to be anything but. 😉

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on February 27, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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