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Make Nature Your Best Friend & See The Quality Of Your Life Increase

This is a great article by Florence Williams for National Geographic on the beneficial and life-changing effects of getting closer to Nature.

As I keep sharing, it simply isn’t a luxury anymore, but necessity to return to natural harmony and deepen our relationship with Nature around us, as a means to know our true Nature within.

As the article shares, “All this evidence for the benefits of nature is pouring in at a time when disconnection from it is pervasive”.

It’s amazing how little time most people spend in and around Nature and this is starting out as children who spend more time playing with electronics than spending time outdoors. Not to mention most people live in cities where there’s a larger disconnect from Nature unless you make conscious efforts to surround or immerse yourself in it, in some way in your life.

I remember spending my entire days all summer and after school, playing outdoors while I was growing up. And the rest of the time I was either drawing or reading. I remember that my parents and a couple of the friends that took care of us while my parents were away would let me choose a plant of my choice at the nursery and buy a clay pot to put it in that I then got to color with crayons or paint to decorate as my own.

People wonder how to reduce levels of stress that builds the more they fill their lives with everything but Nature. And yet one of the most powerful answers to reharmonizing, balancing, and more vibrant health and well being is right outside your window and door, and just a creative stretch of your mind away.

Any kind of quality time a little each day will make a huge difference.

Whether immersed in quiet reflection with plants and animals, caring for a plant or garden, taking a walk during your work breaks or in the evening when you return home from work, riding a bike instead of watching television, encouraging your children to venture outdoors by showing them some of the things you used to do when you were young or teaching them how to care for a plant or animal companion, taking a drive to the beach or mountains instead of sitting at your computer or going into the city….it’s not hard to do.

It’s just a choice.

Here’s the great article shared by my friend, Hillary, who like me, really knows the difference that experiencing or living in Nature makes in our lives, as she just moved to her dream ranch a few weeks ago:

This Is Your Brain On Nature