Journey to the Enchanted Forest – Your New Moon & New Year Power Animal Awaits

eagleI don’t know about you, but it doesn’t take much to get me to enter the Enchanted Forest. No arm, or wing, twisting needed here. 😉

So when a dear friend of mine posted about his power animal he was united with from entering into this Realm and how synchronous and aligned it was for him, I was joyously led to let my heart explore this for myself.

Some may call it coincidence, luck of the draw, or random, but having seen at least a dozen people do this (including those closest and dear) and heard how their animal that showed up was absolutely perfect for them and what they are focused on and needing, and trying it myself and experiencing the same, I’d say there’s more to this than simple randomness. But that’s just me.

Intention is powerful and when we are clear in our hearts, the reflection of that will be mirrored. You can use this link below at any time in your life when you are interested in seeing what animal’s guidance and message would be most supportive for you at this time, but it feels extra potent right now on the Eve of the New Moon and soon-to-be New Year of the Horse, to do a little fun check in on which animal will be your guide for this new energy you are embarking upon.

(Note: Try to do this just once. Your mind may want to test this and keep retrying until you get a different result, but trust that the first time is the charm and what you receive is perfect.)

It’s just like pulling a Tarot card or receiving a Fortune Cookie message.

I, personally, happen to love working with Animal Spirit Guides and it is something that comes through all the time when I work with clients doing Reiki sessions. And of course you know animals are most enjoyable for me to channel through my paintings, which is why I created the series – Universal ARKitecture – a series of Power Animal Spirit Paintings.

My own Power Animal that met me in the Enchanted Forest, when I embarked on the journey invite is the Eagle. This was not surprising to me in the least, as the winged ones have been prevalent in my life SO very much. I wondered if they would show up in doing this and in fact they did and it aligns with what I’ve been receiving about my personal year.

This was Eagle’s message for me:

Greatness ~ Leadership ~ Independence

A potent symbol of true greatness, the eagle brings many gifts into your life.  

Eagle energy will flood you with courage, a free spirit and independence that will take you beyond the limits of your life to date.  Your own greatness will begin to emerge as you welcome eagle power into your life and feel it surging within you. 

The eagle lives in the tall trees and high cliffs and soars above life with majesty, blessed with extremely keen eyesight.  You will find that you are now able to stay above the fray and still know exactly what is going on and when to dip down and utilize your new-found powers of leadership.  Be true to your beliefs; lead and others will follow, for you are the eagle.

So now it’s your turn! Weeeeeeeeeeeee!

If you want a fun, magickal, and yet very uncanny experience, while getting the chance to meet your friend and guide in the mystical Faery Realm, you might enjoy flying, walking, skipping, leaping, swimming, or dancing your way with sacred intention, into the Enchanted Forest:

Power Animals Unleashed

And if you DO journey into the Enchanted Forest, I’d love to hear what Animal Spirit Guide was awaiting you. Please leave a short note in the comments with the friend that met you there.

Magickal blessings to you!!


About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on January 29, 2014, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. walking through the enchanted forest, the “spot light” on the ground was tempting in its twinkling light amongst the dense field, yet the intuition said “hmm, widen your perspective”; so the journey into all possibilities continued; and the space invisible yet visible through the branches called my “click” … and there I came face to face with the most graceful UNICORN holding faith, mystery and reality ! thank you for the invitation dear Tania : )

    • love how the journey was expansive for you as well hala! and LOVE that unicorn showed up for you! so, so magickal!! thank you for sharing your reflections and encounter with me. you’re so welcome!! xoox!!

  2. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you for sharing this. 🙂

  3. Mari Braveheart-Dances

    Horse. Way to go, Me and Universe!

    • awesome! you had a horse show up in the forest?! too cool, being that you are a horse in chinese astrology and we’re going into the year of the horse here tomorrow. triple threat you are!! lol!! watch out!

  4. What a cool idea to explore and to share, Tania! I love this! Love you! I found dolphin…

    “The dolphin is so full of joy, he cannot help but leap into the air, just for the sheer pleasure of being alive. Allow this vibrant life force to fill you, making you feel and know the privilege it is to be drawing one more breath in this precious life. Let the dolphin teach you this deep abiding joy.

    “The dolphin is also a wonderful communicator. He will teach you to listen to others and then to respond in a way which they will understand. With the dolphin within you, words will flow more easily. You will come into your own power as a communicator of both feelings and ideas, as his intelligence fills you with confidence in expressing yourself.

    “The dolphin is attuned to others, instinctively knowing just the right moment to leap into the air, so that the entire group moves in effortless harmony. Let the dolphin teach you this intuitive synchronicity with others, moving at one with them and understanding what drives them and what moves them.”

    • you’re so welcome and thanks for sharing your journey into the enchanted forest to find your dolphin partner! love it. feels so perfect for you. i’m glad you enjoyed this too. love and hugs to you!

  5. Jonathan Livingston…. Seagull. Now how perfect is that for me. Another winged friend. 🙂

    Btw, one of my crystals has developed “feathers” on one of its facets, Tania. Those feathers viewed from another perspective become a meteor shower of Light. The magick continues!!

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