Embracing Mystery in the New Year: Ten Essential Practices & 2015’s Energy

New Years Prayer


“Imagine if your New Year’s wasn’t about fixing or improving, but about deepening and transforming, about embracing the holy mystery at the heart of the world.” ~Christine Valters Paintner

2015 has rapidly emerged and with it, new energy to immerse yourself in.

Personally, I was in bed at 9:30 pm last night, falling asleep with my arm around Eeyore and ET and my hand around my two Herkimer Diamonds under my pillow. I woke just after midnight (arm/hand all still in the same place) and acknowledged the New Year, then went back to sleep and had an interesting dream that involved my rabbit Joy, other rabbits, and a hawk.

Earlier in the day I had been painting and receiving a download of information that was naturally expanding the energy in my crown, simply by my openness and embrace of it.

My head was energetically throbbing, feeling it had absorbed enough and I could feel the recalibration, as my physical body was integrating the embodiment of this activation.

For me, this rang in as the message and was experienced as my personal theme…embodiment or “living expression”. And not needing to specifically do or know anything more than that…be open to how the mystery unfolds and simply live from essence.

So, it was the first year I intentionally decided not to set specific intentions because this “experience” had already activated what felt deeply important to me to keep experiencing.

And it was no surprise to then be led to this article, which I love, by Christine Valters Paintner that my friend Kathy Jourdain shared this morning:

Embracing Mystery in the New Year: Ten Essential Practices (follow link to read the full article and descriptions of each of the 10 listed below):

  • Breathe deeply.
  • Embrace night wisdom.
  • Dance freely.
  • Follow the thread.
  • Trust in what you love.
  • Let the rhythms of nature guide you.
  • Release what is no longer necessary.
  • Remember that you will die.
  • Ask for the wisdom of your ancestors. 
  • Open yourself to receiving a word for the year ahead.

As you set your own intentions, resolutions, and goals, perhaps you’ll find these to bring a fresh perspective to your outlook on 2015.

I know for me, 2015 is gearing up to be a very deepening and explorative year on many levels, as I continue to adventure into the mystery. I’ll be igniting a #9 Hermit year come my birthday in February and as I engage and invite a new found freedom, expansion, creative self-expression and clarity of vision in the mysticism that is at the heart of who I am, this is manifesting physically as new creative projects, deep experience, and a lot of important travels.

Rather than taking a full-on sabbatical, which I’ve seriously joked about doing, instead I’m seeing how I can integrate that experience in a balanced way… being in the world still, but not of it.

So I will be away a lot this year, beginning February, and could be moving, or moving around, depending on how things unfold and manifest. This is also the first year that I was strongly guided to go on a special trip on my birthday (I don’t usually do much of anything for my birthday) and it is quite magickal how it has all come together.

And working in the background for us all collectively is the energy that 2015 carries of the #8 and the Wooden Sheep (or Goat/Ram) as a Universal Year.

The Sheep is a symbol of peace, harmonious co-existence and tranquility, so it will be interesting to see how this energy will play out in balancing what is on the scene. The #8 is a power energy, but is also about balance.

The #8’s ruling planet is Saturn, which is the planet of discipline and justice. If you have been disciplined, you will be granted results and if you haven’t, results may seem forced upon you.

So this year will seek bringing about balance in all areas, however that plays out and without judgment on the right or wrong way that is to take place, which usually is what presents a challenge when we hold tight to an idea.

Imbalances will be rectified one way or another, in terms of economy, equality, justice, fairness, power structures, religious extremism, political ideology, …powers will continue to shift, intensify, come to light, and be forced into change, if not embraced. And if embraced, there is much fulfillment, ease, and thriving that can be achieved within any environment that may unfold.

All of this is simply a way to harmonize that which we have thrown out of balance and natural rhythmic cycles. The heart of humanity will be on stage and each of us will be prompted to embody the role of our individual integrity.

How you choose to embrace the mystery is up to you.

Happy being! Happy renewal! Happy alchemy! Happy creative freedom! Happy empowered liberation! Happy New Year!

May you live, breathe, share, express, and be as an embodiment of ever-giving, unconditional love.

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on January 1, 2015, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Reiki Dawn and commented:
    Love the energy and themes around this post shared by Yania Marie

  2. Ahh, a fellow Februarian. 🙂 I loved this article from Christine, too, when I received her email newsletter, and had also been revisiting an Audre Lorde essay to share with a friend a couple days ago. We’re in sync. 🙂 May it be a deeply restoring, inspiring, and insightful Hermit Year for you, Tania Marie. So glad we connected in the blog-o-sphere in 2014. Blessings and happy new year, Jamie

    • oh how wonderful jamie!! you’re birthday’s in february too! are you an aquarian or pisces? i’m a pisces. 2/26. yes, i thought the article was fantastic and so resonating deeply…i LOVE synchronicity, so thank you for sharing all of these alignments.

      thank you dearly for the beautiful wishes! i am very much excited about this year. it’s beautiful that we crossed paths right as the the year was shifting basically. new beginnings and new friendships. such a blessing. i wish you an expansive new year! lots of love xoox

  3. On New Years I went to two parties and was up very late, then went to a party at a Japanese restaurant my friends own….however I sleep with my herkimer diamonds also…I wear cotton gloves and hold them….and as far as dreams, on New Years morning…I dreamed about Prince William at the Library in New York city looking up horses in a book and then miniature horses rode through the library with royalty on their backs…little children 😉 It was very funny…and I woke up laughing and smiling….

    • very cool you also sleep with the herkimers..i choose different crystals each night..last night was my lapis.

      what an interesting dream! the giggles seem to be the key there…glad it brought you to your inner child playfulness!

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