Stepping into a New Blueprint of Life ~ Last Blog Post of 2019 as I Begin Sabbatical on the 1st of 2020


Don’t be afraid to shine your unique light in this world. Your light will help guide the way for others and align you with life itself. ✨🌟✨May your courage deepen and the creative impetus of transformation shine brightly within you. May 2020 be the year you stand up and step forward.

It’s amazing how fast 2019 has flown and now we sit at the precipice of 2020. I remember what a big deal it was when we hit 2000, now already twenty years ago! Life is rapidly evolving and it continues to be interesting to observe what we as a collective are choosing to create here on Earth. There seems to be an increase in individual experiences branching off to form new realities. But does that mean reality splits will take place, or is it simply that courageous innovators are forging new landscapes so the rest of us can journey and merge there when ready? As with all new inventions, it takes time for the collective to get on board.

My experience, ever since the Capricorn New Moon Solar Eclipse of Christmas, has been that of a completely new blueprint being formed in a very literal way. Although viscerally felt as well, we actually have spent time drafting this intentional blueprint in the physical and have physically experienced it root.

It feels as though DNA is rearranging and awakening – a true rebirth and renewal.

This will be my last blog post of 2019 and also the last for the next several months while I honor a commitment to myself and this new blueprint. The first day of 2020 will see me begin my sabbatical, which will take me offline and off-grid for at least 3 months, to be assessed at that point if I return or need longer.

If you missed my announcement of this, you can find more details of what this means and looks like in my post Winter Solstice Sheds New Light

The Magick Rabbit Etsy Shop will remain open simply to package and ship any potential orders during that time only. We’re grateful for such a sweet year of support experienced from our creations and how these last days of 2019 saw some beautiful send-offs and full circles with the very last custom creation, a big international order that came through a cosmic rabbit connection, and even one of our original paintings offering 50% proceeds to rescue rabbits – Garden of the Gods (ocelot spirit totem) – anchoring in a new home through an Egyptian synchronicity.

Many full circle things have been taking place and even the potent renewal energies of Christmas saw my ballet shoes and tutu from childhood find their way back to me.


My mom presented me with this box, after reading my blog post – Remember the Light that You Are ~ Christmas Eve & Christmas Eclipse Wishes of Hope & Manifestation

Finding these feels like merging and reclaiming parts of myself. They also feel symbolic of me “stepping” up and forward into the new energy with all of me, as the first photo of this post puts into action.


My mom went on to share with me some old photos she found that she thought I might like to see again. They included this one above and the one below.

A wee faery ballerina and winter child sprinkling magick through her self expression and totally immersed in the joy of snow for one of the first times. I didn’t grow up in snow, living in Southern California, and now it is my playground in my mountain home of Tahoe.

The middle of my sabbatical will see me celebrating my 47th winter birthday within the stillness of white wonderland landscapes here. They will be my inspiration for expansion during this quiet, but deeply active time.

2019 was a big year of creativity for me, nurturing the core essence of myself, and taking pause without rushing into what was next. Things I thought I was going to do turned into embracing and doing what was more important than my ideas. What I found is that this not only aligned me with other things I’ve been patiently waiting for, but it put to rest and amplified what was also necessary to strengthen my voice. I also made some beautiful new friendships and deepened others, which have been truly enriching.

I feel much more supported and ready to take on what’s next in 2020 – even in regard to what felt most challenging. And even in the midst of unknowns, I actually have greater clarity on all fronts. I sense that the changes will speed along faster than they would have if I had tried to do them last year and that indeed the biggest level of transformation for our little family, yet experienced on all fronts of life, will be flowing in.


During the last couple of weeks since returning home from our winter holiday abroad, Astrid has also been mirroring the changes, which is no surprise since we are deeply woven together as one.

She had time to process a lot while I was away and even experienced some dynamics shift with the cats that our sitter shared with us. Her ears, which are her antennas for tuning into the finest of frequencies, also went through some detoxing, cleansing, and rearranging. Thankfully, she’s a very healthy rabbit, but on occasion she gets extra build up of wax in her ears that she can’t clean herself. This is what took place again and so I brought her to the vet upon noticing her behavior, which confirmed that indeed she had wax build-up and some red inflammation inside. We’ve been administering ear drops since and she’ll go back for her check up on the 2nd – this Thursday and aligned with the new year – which will also include her full six month physical exam. It’s not been fun giving her the drops, as it’s very stressful for bunnies to have ears probed among other things, but she seems to be doing well and the scratching and shaking of her ears and head seemed to have dissipated. Crossing fingers, toes, and wings that that means the drops are working.

Astrid’s ears may be healing, but they are as beautiful and tuned in as ever. Clearing out the gunky wax and cooling the inflammation within feels very aligned with and symbolic of this energy of clearing out the old and burning through it to create new alchemy for 2020. It feels like she has been in preparation for the next part of our upcoming work together and having clear ears will help her to tune in ever-more deeply to the beyond and communicate telepathically with me as well.

She and I are always aligned.


I have a feeling many of you might be sensing and experiencing similar things that I’ve described here for myself and Astrid. I have also heard from many how 2019 was really a challenging year and how much you’re looking forward to a fresh start and release to some of the pains and struggles you felt bombarded by. I know also that an increase in life transitions from this plane of existence (along with many facets of life transitioning)Β  have taken place this year, which has been increasingly hard for people to go through on top of the daily challenges. I sense this is going to continue to happen because of how energy is shifting rapidly and souls are finding/choosing their place in the collective experience of this. We feel it as a loss because we’re human, when Nature experiences loss every second and knows it as the fluidity of wholeness.

I’ll leave you with Lee’s 2020 Energy Forecast where he touches on the six “headlines” he senses for our upcoming collective year that reiterate my own experiences. I think it may provide you the hope and inspiration perfect to start the year off with.

These include:

  1. Blinding Clarity
  2. The Rise of Love through Death Awareness
  3. Collaboration and Teams
  4. Grounding via Nature
  5. Creativity at High Speed
  6. Heart Healing

This photo feels energetically perfect to end with – one taken of Astrid and me in our Forest Portal backyard.

We love you and wish you every possibility available for greater peace and grace.

Although we won’t be actively present in a visual way, know that we are present with you always and that you can meet with us in your heart portal.

tania and astrid (4)

About Tania Marie's Blog

Creating life as a work of art with a magick rabbit by my side. I remember my song. Do you? Artist, Author and Reiki Master Teacher with over 30 years' experience in creative healing arts and metaphysical studies. Tania inspires people globally to return to natural harmony, draw forth imagination to manifest dreams, embody creative empowerment, and live more magickally and abundantly from their most natural frequency – in essence, Tania helps you to remember your song.

Posted on December 30, 2019, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 27 Comments.

  1. Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

  2. Thank you for sharing the journey Tania. I’ve enjoyed our banter and support immensely. Kudos on knowing your path, embracing your inner sprite, and following the call. May 2020 be a year of love and thriving. Hugs and stuff, Brad πŸ’ πŸŽ‰

  3. β€œWishing you a Happy New Year with the hope that you will have many blessings in the year to come”.

  4. Reblogged this on Deer Heart Reiki Blog and commented:
    So many morsels of goodness here to share from dear sweet T, Tania Marie and Astrid

    • thank you so much for sharing sweet D ❀ we are sending you and miracle all our love and are happy you are going to be ringing in the new year with your beloved family in the coziness of love surrounding and nurturing you all. looking forward to experiencing 2020's opportunities. love you ❀

      • You’re so welcome It’s been so puffy being here. The time has gone by quickly yet we have so many memories of this time to look upon. Mir and I will be heading back Thursday and get home later on Friday. I was able to rest up after all my long hours of work the last few months. Finally caught up. I’m feeling rested, loved and rejuvenated as is Miracle. We love you guys dearly ❀️. We are looking forward to each and everyday. Savoring each moment together along with all those around us near and far away

      • i know what you mean…time is just flying like crazy. it’s wild and makes every moment count even more! or perhaps it’s simply speeding up so much to remind us that it’s all only just one moment anyway…the eternal now. i’m so glad you’re making some more beautiful memories there with your sweet family. i can just feel the love you all share and hear the giggles. makes me smile. i couldn’t be happier to know that you’ve gotten the restorative time you needed and the nurturing that will see you through another adventure of a year. glad to know miracle is doing so well too..the two of you are the sweetest duo. sending extra love for this end of a decade and start of so many fresh new possibilities! safe travels! i’m sure you’ll receive some lovely messages along the way. ❀ love you both!

      • Thank you sweet T for your lovely words and dear sentiments. So cherish you ❣️😘

      • You’re welcome πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’œ Love you!!!

  5. Super cute, Miss T! ❀ ❀ ❀

  6. Have a Blessed 2020 and may you have a restorative and healing sabbatical.

    love, Linda ❀

  7. Desiree Bergeron

    Dearest Tania, you support and inspire me every day to live, be, and love my authentic self and life without any reservations or fear…..To stay connected to everything I am, and hold dear! The wholeness I feel at this time is like coming home after a long, long journey. Your light was there beside me as I swam through one of the deepest, darkest oceans I’ve yet navigated through…an Angel of heaven sent to support me, who helped coach me through swimming those seemingly impossible and insurmountable depths; (and who was also there to greet me on the other side, with love, celebratory energy and reassurance that you knew I could do it!!) I’ll never forget when I crawled onto one of the most brilliant shores I’ve ever seen, stood up on my feet, and looked out and over upon what I went throughβ€” nor the sweetness of having someone who truly sees into my heart and understands my essence and who I am, standing there beside me. I love you! I am so grateful for everything we have shared during this year 2019! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’ž I am also so overjoyed beyond words for you, for your Sabbatical! It stirs such a powerful positive energy in me, that excites my soul, and sets in motion the desire to truly listen to what I need to do at all times to nurture and care for myself in very careful and conscious ways. It also energizes my own creative spark which brings to me such healing and joy! Thank you so much for your example and light…..You and Astrid are always with me.πŸ’• Wishing you the best New Years EVER!! ( I loved this post, and the energy update immensely) all my light love and blessings xx Des πŸ’«βœ¨ 2020 Here I Am!!

    • oh sweet desiree!! your messages always move me and are so deeply felt. what a gift and blessing to experience your love and our connection. i’m so grateful that 2019 brought things more into the physical between us and can’t thank you enough for your reaching out that one day ❀ it's such an amazing thing how we can support one another when we open our hearts to that vulnerability. and you know this already, but i'll say it again…i couldn't be happier and more proud of you. what a beautiful opening you courageously adventured. thank you for letting me be a part of your journey. life will always have its ins and outs and ups and downs, but once we navigate through them once, it lays the footwork for doing it with ever more grace and ease. i see a lot of joy continuing to come through for you and tons of creative expression. i look forward to seeing it and hearing about it. thank you so much for sharing in the joy for this sacred time for me. i'm excited to see what will unfold. but it warms my heart to know that sharing things like this is supportive to others to honor the voice within too. astrid and i are sending lots of love your way and will meet with you in that beautiful heart space, as always. love and creative magick to you this new year and beyond! yay! xoox

  8. Love to you and Happy 2020….enjoy and celebrate….glad to be your friend on these marvelous sites~

  9. Wishing you many blessings and openings in 2020 πŸ’œπŸ§šπŸΌβ€β™€οΈ

  1. Pingback: Ringing in a New Decade and a New Earth | Laura Bruno's Blog

  2. Pingback: Alchemy of 2020 | Tania Marie

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